How to Train a Cat to Come When Called?

How to Train a Cat to Come When Called

Cats tend to be independent thinkers who may not always agree with our requests. That can make it frustrating when your furry friend does not come when called. But teaching your cat this valuable skill doesn't need to be a major endeavor - both of you will benefit from having this useful behavior!

Teaching your cat to come when called (also known as recall) is a useful skill that can keep them safe when you're gone for extended periods of time. Furthermore, it's an excellent way for them to stay contented and entertained during those long trips away.

The initial step in teaching your cat to come when called is selecting a cue that works for them. This could be something as simple as the sound of opening treat bags, cans being opened, or treat balls being opened.

Once your cat associates the sound with a reward, begin calling her by name and rewarding her when she comes to you. Repeat this several times to reinforce this association.

Next, begin with a shorter distance away, such as just a few steps. Gradually increase the distance until she responds reliably to your voice or signal.

Once your cat responds to you when called or using another cue, offer them a treat and then repeat the process several times until she comes to you without prompting from you at all.

Your cat may enjoy treats, so you may need to adjust the type of treats used. Tasty homemade or commercially prepared treats your feline loves are ideal for teaching them to come when called.

For example, you could offer your cat a piece of tuna, chicken, or hotdog as a treat. Or you could opt for more traditional dry or canned cat food as an incentive.

Consistency is key for successful training, so make sure your cat practices at different times of the day. Experiment with different exercises to keep things interesting for both of you!

Once your cat has learned that coming when called results in a treat, increase the number of treats given to her. Rewarding her with treats every time she comes will encourage her to repeat the behavior and help make the come command stick.

Never punish your cat for not coming when called, as this could lead to stress or fear.

Your cat needs plenty of exercises to learn how to come when called. After training is complete, take her out for a walk or do something fun outdoors with you.

When out and about, keep your training sessions short - five minutes per day should be sufficient to get her to follow your come command.

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