How to Teach Your Cat to High Five?

How to Teach Your Cat to High Five

Teaching your cat how to give a high five is an adorable way to strengthen the bond between you and your feline companion. Plus, it gives you an excuse to reward them for all their hard work throughout the day!

Many people mistakenly assume cats cannot be taught, but the reality is they can and will learn almost any skill you give them with patience, positive reinforcement, and consistency. All it takes is some effort on your part, some patience, positive reinforcement, and consistency for success.

teach your cat some tricks

If desired, you can even teach your cat some tricks like jumping through hoops or rolling over on command! According to The Jackson Galaxy Project in the US, teaching cats these skills helps them open up to their environment and makes adoption much easier for them.

 Teach Your Cat to High Five

Before beginning any training program, take time to determine what you hope to gain from it. Is your aim to correct an annoying behavior, build practical skills, or simply learn an awesome trick? Making a decision ahead of time will save time on unnecessary activities and keep sessions from becoming overwhelming.

Start by offering your cat a treat that is small and easy to bite into, such as either boiled chicken or commercial treats with an irresistible scent that will keep them coming back for more! Be sure that the treats are nutritious for your feline friend and within their daily calorie intake.

Once your cat has come to sit in front of you, hold a treat just above them but not so close that they can reach it. When they lift their paws in pursuit of the treat, use an affirmation such as "sit" and give them the treat.

After several days, gradually increase your hand's height. You may need to repeat this step several times until your cat is comfortable with the new height.

With time, you'll be able to raise your hand just above your cat's head and they will instinctively reach for it when asked to "high five." At this point, you may also add a verbal cue such as "high five!"

Your hands should be high-fiving them to let them know you're serious and not just reaching for something else. Additionally, this will enable them to differentiate between a high-five and other forms of petting they might receive from you.

Repeat this process a few more times until your cat can touch your hand with their paw without receiving treats. It may take them several weeks to reach this milestone, so be patient!

Once they can do this without a treat, gradually eliminate the toy from their training session and focus solely on their paws. When this is accomplished, reward them with a treat and continue with your regular training session.

As a general guideline for training your cat, opt for short 5-minute sessions. This will give them the mental stimulation they require while keeping it from feeling like an overwhelming chore.

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